Previous study: LaserBreast1 Clinical Trial
LASERBREAST1: Local treatment by interstitial laser thermal destruction of primary breast cancer (≤20 mm)
The purpose of the LASERBREAST1 clinical trial:
The multicenter LASERBREAST1 clinical trial, led by investigators at the renowned cancer center Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR), assessed the safety and effectiveness of laser ablation for malignant breast tumor lesions that were 2.0 centimeters or smaller in size. Additionally, the trial sought to determine the correlation between post-laser ablation imaging (MRI, ultrasound, and mammography) and the results from post-surgical histology.
For more information, see (#NCT01706016).
Do you know anyone, like a friend or family member, who has received an early-stage breast cancer diagnosis? You can inform them about the Novilase clinical trial.
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